Research Equipment*Shared equipment with ICReDD

  1. TOP
  2. Research Equipment
  • Studying Space

    The laboratory has been designed with a separation between the experimental area and the calculation space.
  • Experimental Lab

    Experimental benches equipped with a hood.
  • Panoramic View

    With six islands featuring experimental benches for four people each, a maximum of 24 individuals can comfortably conduct experiments.

    NMR spectrometer capable of measuring NMR spectra with high sensitivity and high resolution.

    Automated HPLC system connected to six chiral columns for measuring enantiomeric excess.
  • GC* (SHIMADZU GC-2030)

    GC apparatus used to vaporize compounds for observation. It's utilized to monitor the progress of reactions.

    GC-MS device used to measure the molecular weight of compounds after separating them with gas chromatography.
  • GPC* (JAI LaboACE LC-5060)

    GPC device designed to differentiate and separate molecules based on their size differences. It's the latest high-speed type.

  • Glove Box* (VAC)

    Grove box that creates an environment with almost zero moisture and oxygen concentration. It is used for setting up reactions involving unstable compounds in the air and for storing reagents.
  • IR* (JASCO FT/IR-4600)

    IR spectrometer that measures the functional groups present in compounds. It's an ATR.
  • Solvent Purification System*

    You can extract the dehydrated and degassed solvent under an inert gas atmosphere.
  • Automated Column Purification System* (Biotage Isolera One)

    Automated purification system for crude products using silica gel column chromatography.
  • Microwave* (Biotage Initiator+)

    Microwave reactor that accelerates reactions by irradiating microbeams.
  • ReactIR* (Mettler Toledo 702L)

    Compact ReactIR spectrometer that measures the functional groups of compounds to monitor the progress of reactions.
  • Polarimeter* (JASCO P-2200)

    Polarimeter that measures the optical rotation of optically active compounds, both clockwise (dextrorotatory) and counterclockwise (levorotatory).
  • Melting Point Apparatus* (SRS OptiMelt)

    Apparatus that automatically measures the melting point of compounds.
  • Electrochemical Analyzer* (ALS Model 660E & 680C)

    Device that mainly used for measuring CV (cyclic voltammetry) spectra.
  • Evaporator

    Rotavap that can remove solvent by lowering its boiling point through vacuum pressure. Its ability to control the pressure prevents boiling points from exceeding, thus avoiding sudden boiling.
  • Fine Bubble Generator

    Device for performing gas-liquid flow systems.
  • Temperature-controlled Bath (EYELA PSL-1400 & 1820)

    Reactors that can conduct low-temperature reactions down to -40 and -80 ℃ respectively.
  • Photochemical Devices

    Various types of UV and visible light with wavelengths of 280 nm, 310 nm, 365 nm, 370 nm, 385 nm, 390 nm, 405 nm, 440 nm, 456 nm, and 467 nm.
  • Electrolysis Apparatus (IKA ElecraSyn 2.0)

    Device used to pass electric current to drive electrolytic reactions.
  • Aluminum Block Reaction Devise (EYELA RCH-1000)

    Reactor that allows reactions to occur at high temperatures without using silicone oil.
  • Vacuum Manifold

    Glassware with a valve used for conducting reactions under an inert gas atmosphere.
  • Computer Server*

    A large-scale computing machine, which is accessed via the internet.


Tsuyoshi Mita